Yesterday evening a 2129 hours the LFC was dispatched to Main & Bridge Street for the accident. Units arrived and found a single vehicle had struck a pole and no injuries were reported. Fire Police closed the roadway while the fire crew cleared debris. While returning to the station at 2158 hours, the LFC was alerted to assist Montco 98 (Royersford) for the dwelling fire. Crews responded and assisted with overhaul. Crews returned to station at 2220 hours and cleaned up equipment. Then at 0305 hours LFC was alerted back to assist Royersford on the dwelling fire located at the same address as previous. Crews arrived and utilized an 1-3/4' hose line to extinguish the fire. Crews cleared the scene, returned to station and cleaned the equipment once again before departing the station at 0600 hours. After a 4 hour break, the LFC was then alerted to assist the MICU, but was quickly recalled.